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000311_owner-lightwave-l _Tue Oct 18 13:42:10 1994.msg
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Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 14:26:35 EST
From: Larry Shuford <shuford_la@MIKE.LRC.EDU>
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Subject: RE: CFV - comp.graphics.packages.lightwave (Repost #3)
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From: MX%"lightwave-l@netcom.com" 17-OCT-1994 17:48:20.55ightwave-l@netcom.com"
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Subj: CFV - comp.graphics.packages.lightwave (Repost #3)
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From: djmccoy@netcom.com (Daniel J. McCoy)
bject: CFV - comp.graphics.packages.lightwave (Repost #3)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 13:26:03 -0700 (PDT)
CC: asolovay@geoworks.com
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Due to mishaps in getting the CFV posted to the mailing list, I have been
given the OK by Andrew Solovay (asolovay@geoworks.com) who is the vote
taker to post the CFV to the list. Please read and follow the directions
in the CFV. Do NOT post your vote to the list. The votes MUST go to
Thank you,
> Beginning of posted CFV as received by Netcom <
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.sys.amiga.graphics,comp.graphics,comp.sys.sgi.graphics,comp.os.ms-windows.apps.misc,comp.graphics.raytracing
Subject: CFV: comp.graphics.packages.lightwave
Message-ID: <comp.graphics.packages.lightwave-CFV1@uunet.uu.net>
From: asolovay@geoworks.com (Andrew Solovay)
Date: 13 Oct 1994 15:52:43 -0400
Reply-To: votes@geoworks.com (Andrew Solovay's vote-taking alias)
Sender: tale@uunet.uu.net
Followup-To: poster
Expires: 4 Nov 1994 00:00:00 GMT
References: <comp.graphics.packages.lightwave-RFD1@uunet.uu.net>
Organization: Usenet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV)
NNTP-Posting-Host: rodan.uu.net
Lines: 107
unmoderated group comp.graphics.packages.lightwave
Newsgroups line:
comp.graphics.packages.lightwave NewTek's Lightwave3D and related topics.
Votes must be received by 23:59:59 GMT, 3 November 1994.
This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting
questions only contact asolovay@geoworks.com. For questions about the
proposed group contact Daniel J. McCoy <djmccoy@netcom.com>.
The vote-taker will post each CFV to the lightwave mailing list at
lightwave-l@netcom.com shortly after it is posted to
news.announce.newsgroups. He will send an abridged copy of the RESULT
posting (without the full list of voters) to the mailing list after
voting ends; the full RESULTs will be posted to all the newsgroups
where the CFV was posted.
This unmoderated newsgroup proposed as
comp.graphics.packages.lightwave will be used for the discussion of
NewTek Inc's Lightwave 3D, a 3D modeling and rendering package. Topics
appropriate to this newsgroup will include but are not limited to:
* General questions and answers on using Lightwave 3D.
* Product announcements relating to Lightwave 3D and third party
products that benefit Lightwave 3D.
* Rexx macros to enhance Layout and Modeler usage.
* Optimizing options to get the most out of Lightwave 3D.
As Lightwave 3D is scheduled to be released for Windows, WindowsNT and
SGI platforms by the end of the year, the following topics are examples
of what is not appropriate to discuss in this proposed newsgroup:
* Platform specific discussions which should be directed to their
appropriate newsgroups.
* Lightwave oriented product advertising should be limited to brief
messages pointing to an e-mail address or phone number to get
further information.
* Advertising platform specific products should be directed to the
appropriate platform newsgroups.
At this time, no gateway has been set up to but is desired so that those
on lightwave-l@netcom.com that do not have usenet access can participate
in discussions on this new newsgroup.
Currently, there is a mailing list dedicated to Lightwave 3D with a
subscriber base of approximately 500 users with an average of 25-30
messages a day. Since the release of the standalone version and the
announcement at Siggraph that Lightwave 3D will be available for SGI
and Windows based systems, interest has grown and so has the mailing
list. With the creation of this new newsgroup, the information
exchanging on Lightwave 3D and Lightwave oriented products can reach
a wider audience.
Erase everything above the top "-=-=-=-" line and erase everything
below the bottom "-=-=-=-" line. Do not erase anything between these
lines and do not change the group name.
Give your name on the line that asks for it. Place the word YES or NO
between the brackets before the group name. Don't worry about spacing
of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts.
Then mail the ballot to: votes@geoworks.com
Just "Replying" to this message should work, but double-check the
address before sending. If your vote isn't sent to
<votes@geoworks.com>, it won't be counted.
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
comp.graphics.packages.lightwave Ballot <CGPL-0001> (Don't remove this marker)
Give your real name here: Larry A. Shuford
Write "YES" or "NO" between the brackets:
[ YES ] comp.graphics.packages.lightwave
-=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Anything else may be rejected by the automatic vote counting program. The
votetaker will respond to your received ballots with a personal acknowledge-
ment by mail - if you do not receive one within several days, try agaiIt's your responsibility to make sure your vote is registered correctly.
Each person may vote only once, no matter how many accounts he or she
may have. Also, only one ballot will be accepted from any account, no
matter how many people may share it. If more than one vote is received
from any person or any account, only the last vote received will be
Addresses and votes of all voters will be published in the final
voting results list. All ballots received are kept in the UVV archives
(including "cancelled" and invalid ballots). The vote files are made
available to the moderator of news.announce.newgroups on request. They
may also, at the discretion of the UVV, be made more widely available
if there is a controversy concerning the vote.
>- End of CFV -<
Daniel J. McCoy //
Internet : djmccoy@netcom.com, dan@acti.com Portal: Daniel J McCoy \X/
or Daniel_J_McCoy@cup.portal.com BIX: dmccoy Amiga